Archived Events:

2084: The First Strike
2091: The Ologarians Return
2097-2114: Rebellions and Alliances
Most recent event

2091: The Ologarians Return

Many technilogical advances in Human history had occured since the Ologarian's first attack. Such as advanced laser weapons. The humans also had many powerful laser turrets mounted on Earth in case the "strange lights" returned. Utilizing new engine technology, they were sending space shuttles all over the galaxy.

Then one day, they did. The location was Tycona, which had been completely rebuilt. Several F-03 "Leech" scout fighters landed. The humans, watched, mystified, and the local laser turret was aiming straight at the outsiders. And a cocpit opened, revealing a humanlike lifeform. The biggest difference was a helmet covering his head that appeared to hold his brain. A brain in a helmet! Then he spoke.

"We are the Ologarians. You are the humans," it said.

The humans wondered how they knew what the human's name was.

"I am Alpha Draconis, emporer of the Ologarian Empire," it continued, "and you humans shall be wiped out. All of you."

A quivering human spoke. "W-why?"

"Why? You ask WHY?" Alpha raged. "You are scum! We are the Ologarians, and the only species that deserves to live! You will all DIE!"

And with that he boarded his Leech fighter and took off, along with the other aliens. The Ologarians attacked, and left Tycona as dust once again.