Archived Events:

2084: The First Strike
2091: The Ologarians Return
2097-2114: Rebellions and Alliances
Most recent event

2114: The First Conflict

The United Stars Directorate's Fleet A-17 was on an exploration mission with an LSA fleet. The range of craft included Nova battlecruisers, Norad battlecruisers, Arrows, and Falcons. They dropped out of hyperspace when they detected energy surges from a nearby planet, Terra, homeof the Terrans.. Closer scanning showed that a UFOR fleet, Wing Red, a UFORR fleet, Wing Omega, were both wound up in a battle with themselves and Epsilon Guard, the crafts guarding Terra at that time. When the LSA flagship saw the UFORR they imidiately engaged them. After realising that they were severely outnumbered, the LSA fleet fled back to Earth, where their main base was. Some UFORR followed, and some stayed to destroy the UFOR flagship. Shortly after the LSA's arrival, several UFORR "Doomsday" fighters and a "Black Hole" battlecruiser dubbed L.S.S. Victory arrived as well. The LSA's Norad cruisers and their ground defence systems were able to pick off the entire fleet. LSA's commander, Dan, ordered repairs to the entire fleet. When the mechanics and repairmen were finished both fleets flew back to Terra to find that the UFOR fleet had fled due to heavy casualties, and that the US were engaged in a furious battle with Epsilon Guard. Suddenly the second UFOR mothership, the Duo, appeared. It launched thousands of fighters and orbital mecha, and they quickly destroyed all but a few of LSA craft, which fled back to Earth once more. Then, a massive green-and blue-beam (now known as a Titan Beam) fired out from the planet and hit the Duo, heavily damaging it. The UFOR fled once more, fearing another beam would destroy their multi-quintillion credit spacecraft.

So the first battle is over, bassicly won by Terra. But the UFOR is still ploting an invasion. A few days later, Alpha Draconis said, "We do not know a thing about these 'ancient ones' that the Terrans are so protective of. But Terra has killed many of us, so without a real reason we fight back with our most powerful crafts. We are the Ologarian Empire, which will soon rule the galaxy."