Archived Events:

2084: The First Strike
2091: The Ologarians Return
2097-2114: Rebellions and Alliances
Most recent event

2097-2114: Rebellions and Alliances

The Ologarian Empire had risen to power and were now controlling the Humans, mind controlliing them (the Ologarians were psycic but had only figured out how to use this power, and only Omega Draconis knew how) and were using them as slaves. The one Ologarian responsible for this was Omega Draconis, 5th in comand of the Ologarian Empire, who was using his mind control powers from a secret HQ in Atlantis (discovered in 2095 by Omega) on Earth. The Ologarians had basically won the war, but if Omega was destroyed, their plans would be obstructed.

Then one day a blue, gray, black, dark grey, and yellow craft (later identified as a Terran Confederation of the People "Warhawk") 0emerged from the mist on Atlantis. It had a weapon mounted on an arc on the top, which was unlike anything any Ologarian had ever seen.
Omega Draconis was sitting in his throne, calmly using his mind control and waving his fingers about. Suddenly he felt a vibrating sensation. He looked out the window to see a bright orange-and-purple beam fire out of the strange craft at him.
A few minutes later he was dead.

And the Humans recovered their minds.

Gamma Draconis had set up a new government system in the Empire. It involed supreme worship to Alpha, Beta, Delta, and himself.
A large group of very inteligent and religious Ologarians did not like this system. They began to fight, naming their group simply "the Ologarian Rebellion (UFORR)" Later that year they sucsessfuly destroyed seven Ologarian bases with a squad of their new "Demon" fighters.
The tide was turning against the Ologarians.

2114: The LSA (Lego Space Alliance) was led by Commander Dan, who was furious at the Ologarian Rebellion for attacking an LSA base. He ordered an attack back at the UFORR and his fleet wound up in the middle of the first major Warring Suns battle, the Battle of Trillix.
And so the LSA began to fight as well.

And so the five Warring Suns began to decimate eachother, all part of the First Polaris War.